Fernando Quijano
Professor of Economics and Instructional Designer
Extensive teaching experience and collaboration with distinguished professors in the field of economics. Expert content design for college textbooks in economics.
Professional Goal: To become a member of an economics department or design team in an environment of collegiality and intellectual growth.
Phone: 910.548.3940
e-mail: fernando.quijano26@gmail.com
Portfolio website: https://fernandoquijano26.wixsite.com/fernando-quijano
LinkedIn address: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fernando-quijano-17a49224/
Rate My Professors: https://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=2420272
Master of Arts (M.A.), Economics
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA, 1990.
08/1988-08/1990. 33 graduate hours. GPA: 3.55
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Economics
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
01/1986–05/1988. 181 semester hours. GPA: 3.35
Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia, 1977–1979
College courses in economics (69 semester hours)
Master Illustrator and Collaborator (independent contractor)
Pearson Education, Inc., 1999–Present
501 Boylston Street, Suite 900, Boston, MA 02116
Reference: Lena Buonanno, Content Development Specialist
e-mail: lena.buonanno@pearson.com | 617.848.6580
Graphic design for economics textbooks. Collaboration with authors and editors in the design and publication of college textbooks in economics. Digital content creation for online courses, companion websites, instructor and student guides, and PowerPoint presentations.
Instructor of Economics
Coastal Carolina Community College, 2018-Present
444 Western Boulevard, Jacksonville, NC 28546 | 910.938.6374
Teach the principles of economics, with emphasis on applied business skills and focus on the success of underrepresented students.
Professor Emeritus of Economics
Dickinson State University, 1992–2015 (23 years)
291 Campus Drive, Dickinson, North Dakota, 58601, United States
Reference: Dr. Steven Doherty, Professor and Chair, Department of Social Sciences e-mail: Steven.Doherty@dickinsonstate.edu | 701. 483.2065
Taught courses in the principles of economics, global economics, money and banking and economic regulation. Delivered courses in the classroom, over interactive video network and online. Actively involved in curriculum design, accreditation standards, and faculty governance. Served as president of the Council of College Faculties, representing the faculty in the 11 institutions of higher education in the North Dakota University System.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Adjunct Instructor
University of North Dakota, 1988–1992 (4 years)
293 Centennial Drive, Stop 8369, Grand Forks, ND 58202 | 701.777.2637
Taught courses in economics for diverse student populations: traditional, adult and military personnel, at the UND Department of Economics, the Division of Continuing Education, Weekend College, Grand Forks Air Force Base, and East Grand Forks Community College.
Personnel Management Specialist,
United States Army
1060 Gaffney Rd #6600, Fort Wainwright, AK 99703, USA 1982–1987 (5 years)
Supervisor: CW2 David C. Steffy, Personnel Manager | 907.353.2220
Maintained the evaluation report system and 201 files for officer and enlisted personnel. Special duties: Rifle team (expert sharpshooter). Honorable discharge (06/16/1987). Last rank: SGT (E5) active duty. Army Commendation Medal (2), Good Conduct Medal, Army Service Ribbon
Instructional design
Economic modeling
Writing, Authoring
Adobe Creative Suite (full membership)
Microsoft Office Suite
Storytelling software
Learning Management Systems
Speak, read and write English and Spanish fluently
Skills and
Taught economics courses for over 25 years
Combined economic knowledge, artistic talent and computer skills to earn a high reputation in the publishing industry.
Kept current in the field by collaborating with authors in their latest publications as their illustrator.
Consistent record of employment and recognition in the publishing industry (economics).
Evolved with the progress of pedagogy in higher education.
Authored a principles of economics textbook (bilingual).
Received high-mark evaluations from students and peers.
Received the highest award bestowed upon a professor upon retirement from Dickinson State University.
Served in the highest levels of faculty governance at the state level.
President of the Senates’ Council and representative of state-wide faculty in the North Dakota University System.
Enriched the local community through the arts
Quijano, Fernando, EconLectures: A Learning System in the Principles of Economics, © 2020
Quijano, Fernando, Fundamentos de Economía, Modelos y Notas Universitarias, Versión para Colombia, 2019, Innovate Publishing, Bogotá, Colombia
Hubbard/O’Brien, Economics, Pearson, 2nd through 8th editions, 2006–2020. Interior graphics content and various supplements
Pindyck/Rubinfeld, Microeconomics, 7th through 9th editions, 2008–2017. Dynamic PowerPoint Slides
Hubbard/O’Brien/Rafferty, Macroeconomics, Pearson, 1st and 2nd editions, 2010–2012. Interior master illustrations
Hubbard/O’Brien, Money, Banking and the Financial System, 1st through 3rd editions, 2011–2016. Interior master illustrations
Case/Fair/Oster, Principles of Economics, Pearson, 6th through 10th editions, 2001–2011. Graphic design and PowerPoint presentations
Feenstra/Taylor, International Macroeconomics, Worth Publishers, 2nd edition, 2011, PowerPoint presentations
Gruber, Jonathan, Public Finance and Public Policy, 3rd edition, Pearson, 2010. PowerPoint presentations
O’Sullivan/Sheffrin/Perez, Economics: Principles, Applications and Tools, 6th editions, 2000–2009. PowerPoint presentations
Krugman//Wells/Olney, Economics, Essentials of Economics, 1st edition, Worth Publishers, 2006. I-cliker and PowerPoint presentations
Blanchard, Oliver, Microeconomics, 3rd and 5th editions, Pearson, 2002–2008. PowerPoint presentations and Companion Website
Quijano, Fernando, The Electronic Blackboard for Microeconomics, 1999, self-published.
Professor Emeritus of Economics, Dickinson State University
Army Commendation Medal (2), Good Conduct Medal, Army Service Ribbon
Smithsonian magazine, 1994, Featured U.S. Army story
Badlands Art Association, Dickinson, North Dakota, 1997–2014. Award placement, oil painting