A learning system in the principles of economics that includes lecture summaries, Excel labs and self-assessment guides.
Compendium of popular lectures in the principles of economics, with definitions, algebra, illustrations, graphs, tables and explanations of fundamental economic concepts and models.
Follows the traditional outline of the 200-level series in the principles of economics, easily adaptable to most textbooks in the field, with precise lecture topics suggested for the 45-contact-hour course, with end-of-course chapters in labor markets and international trade.
Easily adaptable to any learning management system, with lecture summaries and related test banks ready to load to a course shell online.
Ideal for instructors who want both seated and online students to share identical material.
Long-term collaboration project extensively tested in the classroom and online, with corrections and improvements made after feedback from students and colleagues.
Develops applied skills in the illustration of economic concepts.
Best complementary textbook: Hubbard/O'Brien, Economics, Pearson